Amer Jarragh, is currently Team Leader of inspection and corrosion for the pipelines in Kuwait Oil Company. The position is focused on leading technical multi-discipline team members that are involved in internal and external corrosion management, including online corrosion monitoring, cathodic protection, coating, internal and external corrosion direct assessment, Inline inspection and pipeline integrity management.
He obtained his bachelor’s degree from university of Missouri at Columbia in chemical Engineering and has more than 23 years’ experience in the field of corrosion in the oil and gas industry.
Amer is AMPP Kuwait Chapter Chair, certified Cathodic Protection Specialist, Senior Corrosion technologist, Coating Inspector level-3, API 510 pressure vessel inspector, API 570 piping inspector and Senior internal corrosion technologist.
He is a certified AMPP instructor for CP-1, Internal Corrosion for Pipeline Basic, Direct Assessment, Basic Corrosion and Pipeline Corrosion Integrity management programs.
He was recognized for Elaine Bowman Distinguished Service Award By AMPP in 2022 for his notable and cumulative contribution in the field of corrosion.
He is Harvard Business School Alumni for leadership development executive program. During His experience, he authored and co-authored more than 30 technical papers and publications in Oil and gas Journal and Material Performance magazine